About Reguengo de Melgaço

The wines of the Reguengo de Melgaço originated from grapevines of one of the most prestigious Vinho Verde grape varieties, the Alvarinho.
Reguengo de Melgaço has received many awards from international wine magazines due to their focus on quality wines. They have been awarded with distinctions several times in regional, national and international competitions in which the most recognized and respected professionals are present.
The brand has consistently been able to maintain award winning quality and a rich flavour profiles which have satisfied the most discerning consumers.


Head Office

Reguengo de Melgaço

Adega Reguengo de Melgaço

Paderne, Viana do Castelo

4960 Melgaço


Phone: +351 938-044-051

E-Mail: geral@reguengodemelgaco.pt

Website: http://www.reguengodemelgaco.pt/